


我叫Bok Siew Boey,来自马来西亚Petaling Jaya,我是和我的两个女儿一同来参加此次体验营的。看到病人用简单的拍打拉筋古法,解决急性膝关节问题并最终自愈高血压的文章,我感到非常震撼。


1. 停用西药,因为我现在已经意识到西药对肾脏和肝脏的危害。

2. 将高血压降到正常值。

3. 解决皮肤瘙痒问题。

4. 解决严重膝关节问题。

5. 解决眼部问题。




长期使用止痒药膏也给我的皮肤带来新的问题 —— 一夜之间,我的身上、手上、头上突然长出许多痣和色斑。真是恐怖啊!我开始避服西药,吃非常简单的食物(不含酱油、甜糖和对健康有致命危害的盐),但还是不管用。朋友推荐我去看一位能治许多疑难杂症的“大夫”。刚开始时,“大夫”开的草药制剂似乎起效了,但我得严格控制每天的饮食,比如,我只是吃了一碗鱼丸面条,血压就会上升。有点像坐过山车(起起伏伏)。

我的膝腿问题:为了解决血管破裂问题,我的双腿做了两次大手术。过去15年,严重的膝腿问题一直困扰着我。我的脚部水肿,静脉曲张严重,双腿抬举困难。我尝试过各种药膏和护膝,都没有让症状得以缓解。血压出现问题时,我的膝盖问题开始恶化,到后来我需要拄着拐杖走路,有时还要坐轮椅。但坐轮椅很麻烦 —— 上楼时、路面太坑坑洼洼了都不能用。














我的双脚静脉曲张十分严重,我都不敢碰 —— 因为很痛,并且,医生建议我不要拍静脉曲张部位。皮下凸起的静脉就像是些青黑色的“小虫子”。



Bok Siew Boey, 女,80岁,来自马来西亚Petaling Jaya



蔡女士(Ms. Chuah):


电话:+6012 428 3265


My name is Bok Siew Boey, I am from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia and have come to this workshop with my two daughters. I have been very impressed with documentation on how patients suffering from acute knee problems and also high blood pressure are finally cured using the simple ancient techniques of Paida and Lajin.

My objective for coming to this workshop and also going away from this workshop is to:

1. Do away with taking western medication as I have now realised the risks created to our kidneys and and liver.

2. Reduce my high blood pressure (HBP) to normal.

3. Resolve my skin itchiness.

4. Resolve my severe knee problem.

5. Resolve issues with my eyes.

As for my medication, I have been on HBP medication for over 40 years. In the recent 2 years, I had a change in GP and also medication from Atenolol to Micardis, but I still suffered HBP in the region from 160+ to 200+. Due to my high readings, my kneecap operation that had been scheduled also had to be shelved. In order to attain the optimum reading in HBP readings, the GP prescribed me a new medication which worked toward successfully suppressing the readings to the best of 140/90 but I was left tired most of the time. I spent most of the time sleeping. As a result my health deteriorated further. I felt breathless easily.

My knees (both) continue to give me problems and I never venture out from home and when I am awake I am often sitting at the sofa watching TV. At this time, I never bother to cook which I did enjoy doing formerly.

My skin is an issue too and the lab test revealed negative result. All the GP could advise was dry skin is common in the elderly. In order to stop the itchiness, I had to buy my own cream to alleviate the itchiness. Firstly, I tried to stop the medication and the skin itchiness seemed resolved but my HBP reading was still a problem. So either way I had a problem.

The prolonged use of the cream also contributed further problem to the skin itchiness. A lot of moles and pigmentations start to appear apparently overnight on my body, hands and head. It was frightening and I started to avoid the western medication and eat very simple diet void of soya sauce, sweet sugar and the deadly salt. Still this does not help, so upon a friend’s recommendation I went to seek a sinseh’s advice who seemed able to resolve lots of complex cases. Initially, the sinseh herbal concoction seemed to work but I had to adopt a very strict daily diet and if I just ate a simple fish ball noodle, my readings went up again; kind of like a roller coaster.

For my knee and leg issues, I have gone for 2 major operations on both my legs to resolve blood vessels burst issue. For the past 15 years I have been bogged with severe knee and leg issues. I had water retention issues in my feet, lots of varicose veins and also had difficulty lifting both my legs with ease. I have resorted to using leg plasters, oilment and knee caps, all to no relief. When I had issues with my HBP readings my knees started to worsen till I needed a walking cane to assist me. At times, I needed to use a wheelchair which was bothersome as the wheelchair cannot help me to climb stairs and uneven roads are too rocky to use.

Fortunately, my daughter saw a Taiwan programme about Master Xiao introducing Paida and Lajin on the show as a mean to cure knee problem. We printed out some articles from the internet and started practicing on our own. It seems to alleviate much but not for long or for distance before I feel tired again. We knew we could not do it on our own for my severe case. As we had no professional to check on, we only patted the knee joints and the arm joints. It was not lasting as we did not have a clear idea of the root cause as we only concentrated on the problem areas, that is, we did not treat the body as one whole entity.

Now we have a chance to attend a workshop and it was very clear our intention was in the right direction but our knowledge for effective Paida is not complete. We have no idea how the result can be better complemented with the Lajin. The effective Paida and Lajin gave marked improvement to my condition in just 7 days.

The first time I did Lajin, it was painful to but tolerable and I find I could walk without the stick for the first time in so many months. This is really remarkable considering the great pain when I came in to the workshop and also the need to hold on to the railings tightly for support in order to move up the stair steps. When I reached the last steps, my fingers were numb from holding the railings tightly, breathless and definitely my HBP readings must have shot up too.

In the 7-day workshop, the trainers taught us how to Paida from the head, face, arms, knees and so forth. Lots of Sha black and red in patches appeared on all affected areas like the thighs, knees and back. When all these appeared I felt much better coupled with the detox meals that were served as well as the fasting period all went to contribute a hasty recovery for me. Though the body is in pain, this is a temporary pain unlike the never ending pain in the knees

I have lots of varicose veins on my both feet which I did not dare to touch as that part of the feet was painful and also as advised by doctor to avoid hitting those veins. So all the veins were like “little worms” under the skin in bluish black colour.

However, when I attended this workshop, the trainer told me I can Paida the area. They helped me to Paida areas that I felt too weak to do so or impossible to reach like the feet. I saw those varicose veins burst and the areas affected were now covered with reddish patches. It has since recovered and I am able to walk gently now. Formerly, without Paida I was not able to lift my feet to change my clothing but now I am able to do that on my own without any assistance.

In conclusion, I want to thank trainer Xiu, Huang, Ms. Chuah and Madam Sim for their great help in making my attendance at this workshop bearable. Trainer Xiu and Huang gave lots of helping hands in Paida and Lajin exercises; All I can say is great thanks from my heart.

Bok Siew Boey, Female, Age 80, from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

5 May 2013

Note from Chuah: Without taking any medication, her HBP registered an average of 167/68/62 on Day 6 and lost 3.9 kg with clearer vision and visit to toilet 3-4 improved to 1 per night according to her before and after self-healing record.

Ms. Chuah

Paida and Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia

HP: +6012 428 3265 Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com


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