











Hello Master Xiao,

I would like to share my amazing experience at the Perth Paida Lajin workshop in November 2013 during a session of Paida.

Here is a brief testimonial, sent with extreme kindness and thankful to my team partner and trainer for what had happened.

I have a big lump on my back of my shoulder, and I thought I had put on weight and it was normal. I have experienced a continuous feeling of tightness and pain in my shoulder blade for many years, especially after full day of work in the office. I had numerous treatments from various modalities over a number of years including acupuncture and massages but it still remained.

When my team partner and trainer were doing Paida on my back shoulder, I felt pain but I listened to the instruction to relax. I breathed slowly and deeply in and out but the pain graduated till I couldn’t stand it anymore. The trainer asked me to release all the tension and I can cry out if I wanted to and I really did cry. The more I did so the greater the intensity of pain and Sha started to appear on my shoulder and finally I decided to ask them to stop.

After the Paida ended my back shoulder was very painful and my left side shoulder swelled up for a couple days.

The next few days we still continued with our Paida. One day when we were doing Paida on the legs, and after a period of time I felt my left side leg pain going through my left side abdomen, shoulder and neck. I felt very uncomfortable with the intensive pain and I was curling up like a cooked prawn. My lower part of the leg area also experienced similar intense feelings as described above and began swelling up. I was unable to stand up and the trainer continued to help me by pressing and rubbing on the affected area. Suddenly I felt something like “Chi” was being pushed through and going out from my toes. After a short while the tightness which I experienced previously and had been unable to release was gone.

I felt all the pain gone and I was able to stand up and walk.

The next day I felt so light and relaxed as much of the swelling and pain in the shoulder had disappeared. The lump on my back has gone down. Something that I had not experienced for a very long time and for so many years I have never felt so light in the morning when I get up from bed.

What can I say about my experience of Paida? Certainly a ‘no pain – no gain’ experience and pleasure of pain and joy.

Many thanks to Master Xiao, trainers and my workshop team partner.


December 11, 2013


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