














Kat Tze Ying


My name is Kat.

I came to know Paida and Lajin through a friend of mine, Mr. & Mrs. Wee. One evening when I was rounding with my husband around the housing area, they approached and introduced us Paida and Lajin. The moment when my husband and I got down from the bike, his wife grabbed my hand and started to do Paida on me.

To clear our doubts, we were arranged to see Master Wong (Wong Shifu) the next day to get more information. As a beginner, I wished to thank Wong Shifu for being so patient explaining and teaching me the benefits of Paida and Lajin. Besides that, I also bought the book Paida and Lajin Self-Healing by Mr. Hongchi Xiao for further information.

When I got to know about Paida and Lajin, I used to go Wong Shifu’s house.I started to do Lajin every day. A few months later, I realized that my knee pain, shoulder pain and headache which I had very often were all gone! Also, unexpectedly one day my office (3rd floor) lift was spoilt, so I had to go up and down by stairs. So amazingly I didn’t feel tired or have gasping breath. Imagine me wearing 4” high heels!

As I continued doing Lajin and Paida, I realized it brings more benefits to me day by day. The happiest thing was it helped to shape up my body and lose weight. It’s really simply “SIMPLE”, “SAFE” and “EFFECTIVE”.

Day by day, more and more people came to his house for Paida and Lajin. Mr. Wong and his wife were so busy helping these people. As I was there seeing them help others wholeheartedly and being so compassionate in order to spread the benefits of Paida and Lajin, I couldn’t resist giving a helping hand.

Ever since that day, I started to become a volunteer and going to Wong Shiifu’s house very often to help them. From young to old folks, they were having all kinds of health problems. The more I work with these people, the more I realize how important Paida and Lajin are.

The main thing that attracted me to give more of my concerns and made me contribute more was the atmosphere there. There are people who scream while doing Paida and Lajin, some laugh out loud, some act out of expectation, some even cry. It’s something new to me that I’ve not experienced and somehow funny to see the situation. Perhaps, I spent my time there as well by helping those who needs a hand.

Volunteering my time to help them is the best thing I have ever done in my life and that motivation can make a difference in another person’s life!

So, to everyone out there, do this Before Sickness Comes To You instead of doing this After Sickness Came To You!Thanks to Master Hongchi Xiao, the promoter of Paida and Lajin.

Kat Tze Ying



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