Julie (女,35岁,新加坡)
Chuah Li Choon,
I came to know about Master Xiao’s Lajin and Paida (LP) a few years ago watching 国民大会. My interest was piqued and I continued my search on the internet and watched many videos featuring Master Xiao on the Youtube. After watching the videos featuring successful cases and understanding the basis/principles behind LP, I was certain that LP will cure my many conditions (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, putting on 30kgs in few months, hair loss, no menstruation, irritable bowel syndrome). I was plagued by many illnesses and was ready to be well (saw no end in sight with western medicine) and to a certain extent TCM as I have tried so many to no avail. I believe it is fate and I am ready which is why I am here.
On arrival, I vaguely knew what was in store. Gosh! I was wrong! I was not mentally prepared for the pain! The Paida was tremendous! At time, it felt like someone taking a skin and carving your flesh and at other times, it felt like someone putting a hot iron and searing it into your flesh. And when you thought the pain was going to stop, it became more intense. And just when you were so glad that the torture for one part was over, you realized there were many more parts to go. It felt never ending. But through this process, I learnt that chanting or prayer helps. It doesn’t lessen the pain but it makes it more bearable. Seeing “Sha” appearing is extremely satisfying…
Lajin was painful initially (numbness, pulling/cramp) but I feel that with practice, I’ll be better.
Fasting feels fine, although I felt hungry occasionally, it was still bearable and I didn’t feel weak.
Surprising thing was putting on weight in spite of no food intake for 3 days.
Although I did not like running, I found the jog enjoyable and hope to translate it into real life.
Meditation sitting up was a challenge for me as I was reminded of my itchiness and aches. But I think meditation is an important way of communicating with yourself.
My healing crisis includes weight gain, rashes with blisters and chills. However, I will keep the faith and continue to Paida and Lajin.
Special thanks to instructor Xiu Jiao Lian (Coach Xiu) to his “tie sha chang (iron-hard slaps)” which we came to love and hate and to his many invaluable advices.
Instructor Lu Hsuan-Li for her tender loving care, her advice for the soul and he meticulous and heartfelt slapping — she coaxes the “Sha” out of you.
Ms. Chuah for organizing such an eventful camp.
Esther for volunteering her good-hearted slaps.
Last but not least my fellow campmates for sharing all the pains, laughter and for making the pain bearable.
Julie (Female, Age 35, from Singapore)
27 Nov 2012