




















Revelations from Striking Skeletons and Stretching Tendons (SSST)

Xining Wang

Chinese Clinical Research Group on Hong-chi Xiao’s Stretching and Clapping Exercises


SSST can produce broad-spectrum therapeutic effect.

SSST can produce non-specific therapeutic effect — It deals with functions of all the body systems instead of certain diseases.

Revelation I: Medical Principle of SSST Attracts Worldwide Attention: Self- treatment in Vivo

Q1: Why can various diseases be treated in this only way?

Human body’s functional decline is the common cause of most of diseases (even death), therefore to improve functions of all human body systems can enhance their resistance to various diseases.

Q2: Why can those diseases be treated without taking medicines?

SSST can motivate self-treatment of different human body systems through external physical irritation.

Hypoglycemia suffered by diabetics after SSST suggests SSST affects the synthesis of insulin inside the human body. After SSST, pain threshold of those patients are increased and clinical symptoms are improved. This indicates that SSST also affects the synthesis of glucocorticoid (Glucocorticoid is known as the American elixir because of its broad-spectrum effect in ananaphylaxis, antiinflammatory, antivirus and antishock). SSST can play its self-treatment role of reducing the blood glucose level like insulin does and increasing it like glucocorticoid and this could help patients effectively improve their body function.

Q3: How many diseases can be treated through SSST?

22542 kinds of diseases have been clinically known to us and they can divided into five categories including infection, injure, tumor, malformation and dysfunction. Theoretically speaking, all other four categories except malformation are related to the functional state of the human body and thus we can infer that SSST can exert positive influences on treating 80% of all the diseases the human beings may suffer from.

Revelation II: Clinical Monitoring Result of SSST Challenges Modern Medical System

“Human Anatomy” in the western medicine should be more accurately termed as “Corpse Anatomy”. Besides the common chemical structure composed by molecules, human body actually differs from corpse in its dissipative structure of electromagnetic field which could only be observed in living systems. The discovery of dissipative structure of electromagnetic field is an epoch-making medical revolution. After SSST, evident structural changes have been constantly observed in the dissipative body structure of electromagnetic field through the physical and mental state analyser SAM-2 【Germany】. SSST can strongly, rapidly and constantly change the body structure of electromagnetic field and thus improve life quality. Clinical research on SSST shows that the fluctuation of dissipative body structure of electromagnetic field can last for two hours after SSST for 3 minutes and that SSST for one week can produce self-treatment effect of three months.

Revelation III: Unique Curative Mechanism of SSST Shocks the Medical Circle

An unprecedented kind of curative mechanism, named as the Xiao’s Therapy, was discovered through the clinical study of SSST and proved by its extensive and evident efficacy. Although adrenalin is a kind of “emergency” supply for the human being (harmful) which can be immediately and strongly released into the blood to rescue the human being within 2 seconds after receiving environmental stimuli, its function can only last for half an hour. Glucocorticoid is a kind of “stress” supply (beneficial) which does not exist in normal conditions and can be produced at any time necessary. Therefore, SSST lasting for half an hour can consume all the adrenalin in the blood (to completely expel toxins), and exert its enduring therapeutic effect through inducing massive production of glucocorticoid in the blood.


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